
So I heard this word used the other day… "oughta". I got to thinking, hmm.. does anyone even notice how just plain "odd" that word is and sounds?
"You oughta go help him move that." Not to mention, how strange it looks in print, but it is a well used, often used, almost always used "odd" word.

I researched it just a tad and here are the various meanings and uses for the word: "oughta"

ought – slang form "oughta" which is "ought to"
1. Used to indicate obligation or duty: You ought to work harder than that.
2. Used to indicate advisability or prudence: You ought to wear a raincoat.
3. Used to indicate desirability: You ought to have been there; it was great fun.
4. Used to indicate probability or likelihood: She ought to finish by next week.

Usage Note: Unlike other auxiliary verbs, ought usually takes to with its accompanying verb: We ought to go. Sometimes the accompanying verb is dropped if the meaning is clear: "Should we begin soon? Yes, we ought to." In questions and negative sentences, especially those with contractions, to is also sometimes omitted: "Oughtn't we be going soon?" This omission of to, however, is not common in written English. Like must and auxiliary need, ought to does not change to show past tense: "He said we ought to get moving along." · Usages such as "He hadn't ought to come" and "She shouldn't ought to say that", are common in many varieties of American English. They should be avoided in written English, however, in favor of the more standard variant ought not to.

Hope you weren't bored, well, you "oughta" be enlightened. 🙂    – * – Azzy


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